Several years to come the computer forensics industry is expected to be one of the industry with a fairly rapid growth rate. It can be seen by more and more households are using computers and information technology today. Along with the growth time of the needs of computer forensics has increased exponentially, you probably already know what the reason, and there are many reasons that may not occur to you like a crime of identity theft, fraud and more.
As we know, as I stated as the field in question might be what forensic science is also unknown. In general, computer forensics is not isolated to online crime, but many cases involving the use of computer forensics to solve various forms of crime and violence.
Many forms of examination using electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers that contain forensic evidence from the suspects to crime victims. So now with the increasing number of crimes related to computer whether or not related to cause the demand for computer forensic specialists is quite large, especially in the field of law enforcement, consulting agencies, private companies and many more.
For those of you who do not know what a computer forensics I'll explain to you. The definition of computer forensics is the collection of digital evidence like pieces of information from a computer or other electronic devices such as personal computers, laptops, cell phones etc.. information will be found in the analysis to look for such evidence to find the file in the form of emails, calls or other correspondence, pictures or video streaming, internet search history and many other data types. it is collected and then used as evidence for any of the suspects then headed a criminal prosecution in court
What are the career options? It's quite simple, the most common areas to find a specialist computer forensics is the local police and various other consulting agencies. In this case has two main areas, namely law enforcement and private forensic consulting agency.
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
with the capacity of Automatic Data Processing. It is equipped with either dual monitors or a single monitor and is connected with HDMI ports.
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
Digital Forensic Analysis Workstations
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